Embedded systems need to be extremely reliable. However, embedded systems present security challenges for both developers and designers due to their diminutive size and limited compute resources – that is, having a minimal operating system and software.
As with security in just about all IT fields, embedded system security requires an end-to-end approach that includes addressing security issues during the design phase.
One of the main issues for designers of embedded systems has been to strike an appropriate balance between security and business requirements. While embedded systems security is a must have capability in the 5G era, it can add platform requirements that increase development complexity, which translates to added costs.
Additionally, a wide number of vulnerable embedded systems with inadequate security strategies are already deployed in highly networked, interconnected environments. The demand for cloud computing increases device connectivity, which further complicates the security landscape because unsecure devices on the network introduce additional weak points for attack.
An appropriate balance of business requirements with security, functionality, and performance of the device in the intended market needs to be achieved without causing its delivery to extend beyond the forecast schedule or cost.
For many designers and manufacturers alike, added security in embedded systems becomes a matter of changing mind-set. In the past, designers have understood the importance of security, but this has been marginalized because some designers did not see it as a differentiating feature but rather as an expected capability.
Want to learn more? Tonex offers several courses in Embedded Systems Security designed for working professionals who are interested in embedded systems cyber exploitations and mitigation process, methods, techniques and tools. Our courses:
Embedded Software Engineering Cybersecurity Training (2 days)
Embedded Systems Cyber Exploitations Workshop (2 days)
MIL-1553 Cybersecurity Training (2 days)
Offensive Embedded Systems Exploitation Workshop (2 days)