Businesses are increasingly reliant on the quality of their people. This is why it’s not unusual for companies to go all-out with training, workshops and seminars to build performance teams.
There are many different ideas about what makes a top performer. More often than not, experts in this field say it’s the soft skills rather than the individual’s hard skills and experience that separate an average leader from a high performance one.
The ability to create an inspiring vision, communicate it to team members and focus people’s attention on the relentless pursuit of that vision is a key quality that the top leaders possess. That and also the ability to build strong relationships, communicate empathetically while at the same time holding people to account for delivery.
Adaptability, clear thinking, problem-solving and managing conflict also make high performance leaders.
Advanced performance leadership training often focuses on positive attitude combined with energy. These are the types of leaders who always find a way even in tough times. This doesn’t mean focusing on the good in a naïve, Pollyanna way, but rather it means you don’t want to waste time on negative thinking.
Upwardly mobile organizations need leaders taking a constructive approach that often comes down to review options and resources and then deploying them quickly.
High performance leaders are often edgy in a productive, imaginative way. Imagination, creativity and innovation are all vital to thriving in business.
Knowing how to get the most out your team should also be a target for an effective high performance leader. But to become effective, a high-performance leader must earn the trust and confidence of others. This usually requires meeting with clients, employees, colleagues and other key influencers. Face-to-face contact is especially crucial in that it builds trust.
Doing what you say you are going to do and showing people you are paying attention and that you care about the health of your relationships also goes a long way in trust building.
Want to learn more about high performance leadership? Tonex offers High Performance Leadership, a 2-day course that covers the theories and tactics you would need as a leader to create a high performance atmosphere for your team in order to accomplish the desired results.
Additionally, Tonex offers 120 different courses in a dozen categories in Leadership training. For more information, questions, comments, contact us.