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The purpose of leadership training is to give leaders new skills to help them change their behaviors to go from being a top individual contributor to a leader of people.

Leadership training alone won’t make this conversion, but it’s a good place to start. Every time you practice newly acquired leadership skills, neurons in your brain are firing and creating a new neural pathway. The more you practice, the stronger the neural pathway becomes and the easier it is for you to listen and improve your leadership abilities.

Leadership role playing with other leadership training participants is a good place to start but it doesn’t replace the real thing. The skill sets learned in leadership training will only become fully developed after real world experience where you get the feedback to validate, adapt and adjust your mental model of what it feels like to listen with intention and attention.

As a leader, your success is dependent on the success of the people you’re leading. It’s quite a shift in perspective.

Good Leader Characteristics Include:

  • Vision – Working toward a vision far more inspiring than working toward personal gain.
  • Self-Direction – You know how to get things done and how to organize and initiate tasks.
  • Ability to Motivate – A good leader knows how to motivate people to want to complete tasks.
  • Social Awareness – You know the key influencers and who to turn to.

The Importance of Emotional Intelligence (EQ)

Leaders with high EQ are more socially in tune. They understand their mental processes and know how to direct themselves. They care more for others and receive that same caring in return. The result is increased productivity from team members.

Tonex Training

Tonex offers several Leadership Training courses such as Strategic Leadership Training, a 2-day course that overs the fundamentals, principles and skills necessary for principal and senior management roles. This course is especially intended for Senior and principal managers, middle managers who are on the track to senior positions, executives, directors and decision makers

Both public and private sectors can benefit from this training course.

Other related courses include the 4-day Systems Engineering Leadership Training course and the 2-day Leadership Training For Women.

Why Choose Tonex?

–Practical activities include individual and group activities, role playing and hands-on workshops.

–Course agenda can be tailored to fit the needs of your organization.

–Ratings tabulated from student feedback post-course evaluations show an amazing 98 percent satisfaction score.

–Reasonably priced classes taught by the best trainers is the reason all kinds of organizations from Fortune 500 companies to government’s most important agencies return for updates in courses and hands-on workshops. For less than $1,300 per person TONEX will train a team of 10 people in a three day course delivered on-site in the continental U.S.

Contact us for more information, questions, comments.

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