Enhanced space cybersecurity has never been more important as space systems enable key functions such as global communications; positioning, navigation and timing; scientific observation; exploration; weather monitoring; and multiple vital national security applications.
A trend in space security is becoming more apparent each day: An increase in the deployment of satellites have left space-based assets a target for hackers looking to compromise sensitive information, with potentially devastating consequences.
With the stakes so high when it comes to protecting the data that satellites carry, space security cannot be an afterthought. It must play an integral part of the design process itself.
Additionally, connectivity demands are ever rising with the deployment of 5G. This has led to a new space race among technology organizations to deploy constellations that deliver the high-speed connectivity, bandwidth and capacity, that is needed to satisfy demand.
Examples of malicious cyber activities harmful to space operations include:
- Spoofing sensor data
- Corrupting sensor systems
- Jamming or sending unauthorized commands for guidance and control
- Injecting malicious code
- Conducting denial-of-service attacks
Consequences of such activities could include loss of mission data, decreased life span or capability of space systems or constellations, or the loss of positive control of space vehicles.
Not surprisingly, organizations and government agencies are turning to utilize the services of highly trained space cybersecurity professionals who have the training to prevent a possible space security disaster.
This is why certified space security specialists have become key players in the new race in space by enrolling in courses such as the one offered by Tonex – Certified Space Security Specialist Professional (CSSSP) training, a 5-day course that is ideal for space and security practitioners, analysts, engineers, managers and executives interested in proving their knowledge across space security practices and principles.
Want to learn more? Tonex also offers Cybersecurity Principles for Satellite and Space Systems, a 2-day interactive workshop designed to provide a unique learning experience on space and satellite vulnerabilities that are commonly exploited. Participants will discover techniques and strategies for integrating cybersecurity measures into space and SATCOM systems, networks, products and critical missions from the start.
This course is a knowledge-level course designed to provide a knowledge base of Cybersecurity applied to SATCOM. Lessons and exercises taught by subject matter experts will expand the student’s understanding of the space and radio frequency environments, capabilities and limitations of military and commercial SATCOM systems, threats to all segments of SATCOM, planning processes, cybersecurity attacks and mitigation techniques.
For more information, questions, comments, contact us.