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Satellite Communications Training
A satellite is an object that revolves or orbits a larger object in space.
Satellite communication in telecommunications uses artificial satellites to provide communication links between different points on the earth.
Nearly 5,000 Satellites are currently in orbit.
Television, telephone, Internet, Military Communication, Navigation, Business and Finance, Weather, Climate and Environmental Monitoring, Security.
Satellites have two parts in common: Antenna and power source.
In the late 1950s first artificial satellite launched by The Soviet Union.
Satellite communication consists of two main parts: Satellite and Ground Station.
Communication Satellites, Navigation Satellites, Weather Satellites, Military and Civilian Earth Observation Satellites, Space telescopes.
The up-link earth station sends the required signal to the Satellite; the Satellite amplifies the input signal and changes the frequency, and sends the signal back to the Earth, the ground equipment receives the signal.
Bus module, Communication payload.
Intelligence collection, navigation and communications.
Satellites obtain energy from sunlight. For this, they used an array of solar panels.
Low Earth orbit (LEO), Medium Earth orbit (MEO), High Earth orbit (HEO).
Since 1992, Tonex has received satellite communications training. Tonex provided participants with in-depth background knowledge on satellite communication technology, as well as the latest technological updates on key emerging technologies and future systems.